Tips to Balance Learning and Screen Time among Kids

children screen time

Screens have become a huge part of daily life. There is no denying that technology can provide many advantages, but it also has its disadvantages. Too much screen time can be harmful, especially for children who are in primary school. In the time that we are living in, it is difficult to avoid the use of screens fully. 

So, the challenge for parents is how to balance their time at home between using screens and ensuring that kids have enough time to play outside and study. This keeps kids active and connected with other humans instead of just watching screens at home. 

In this blog, we have mentioned amazing tips that will help you manage your kids’ screen time effectively. By implementing these tips in their lives they will get connected to the real world and people as well. Let’s have a look at what these tips are: 

What Exactly Is Screen Time? 

Screen time shows the amount of time we spend engaging or watching digital media on screen, including tablets, TVs, phones, and game consoles. Scrolling through emails and social networks on your phone is screen time. If your child is playing games on a tablet, this is screen time. If your family are watching a movie in the theatre or on the couch at home, that is screen time too. 

According to the American Academy of Child, children between the age of 8-12 in the U.S. spend an average of 5-6 hours every day watching and using screens. For teenagers, this number goes to 9 hours. 

Positives about Screen Time 

Screen time has many positive elements that can sometimes not be overlooked. According to authentic research published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child, screen time has some positive effects on kids. The study concluded that children who spend 1-2 hours every day engaging in digital device activities were likely to grow levels of social and emotional well-being compared to other non-users. 

Some other benefits of screen time are: 

  • Digital media can be a fun and educational way to engage and learn new concepts. 
  • It boosts kids’ vocabulary in a way that can be remembered and conceptualised. 
  • Digital tools and devices are valuable in school work from primary to college and beyond.
  • Playing video games can enhance fine motor skills, coordination, and teamwork. Delete as I don’t think this is true at all
  • Digital devices and tools like video chats, texting, and playing video games can be fun ways to socialize, academic writers, and communicate. 

Negatives of Screen Time 

There is no denying that too much screen time can have a lot of negatives side effects on human health. It is crucial to ensure that children are having enough time for sleep, playtime, school work, and socialising in person. 

Signs that children are spending too much time on devices are:

  • Kids engage with content on socials that is inappropriate for them. 
  • They are constantly depending on the screens for digital connection and entertainment. 
  • Parents rely on screens to keep their kids busy and manage their behaviour.
  • Excessive screens can cause trouble in sleeping, which leads to depression and anxiety in kids.  

Ways to Limit Screen Time In Your Child’s Life 

limit screen time of kids

There are various ways you can get your kids involved, such as limiting their screen times. Here we have mentioned a few tips that will help parents manage screen time. Dedicate more time to wholesome activities and set up a healthy routine for them. Also, if you are looking for storybooks for children, you can order them online now. Include storybooks in your kids’ schedule to make them habitual in reading and learning. 

Make Clear Screen Time Limits  

Establish clear rules about how much screen time your child can have each day. It’s best to limit recreational screen use to 1-2 hours a day for kids aged 6 to 18. Make a daily or weekly schedule and make sure your child knows and understands these rules.

Choose Educational Apps  

Not all screen time is equal. Opt for educational apps, essay writing, and games that help with learning and problem-solving. There are apps for many subjects, like maths, science, languages, and geography. Be active in choosing and reviewing these apps to make sure they support your child’s learning goals.

Set Family Screen-Free Times  

Pick specific times during the day or week when everyone will avoid screens. Use these times for family activities like dinners, board games, or storytelling. Consistent screen-free times will help you connect and reduce reliance on screens.

Keep Bedrooms Screen-Free  

Avoid allowing screens in your child’s bedroom, especially at bedtime. The blue light radiating from the screens disturbs the sleep. Set up a charging station outside the bedroom to help maintain a sleep-friendly environment.

Be a Good Digital Example  

Children often copy their parents. To encourage your child to use screens responsibly, set a good example yourself. Be aware of your own screen time and show how to use technology wisely and in moderation.

Promote Outdoor Activities  

Outdoor play is important for a child’s physical and mental well-being. Encourage activities like sports, discovering nature, or playing outside. Regular outdoor play helps balance screen time and supports a healthy lifestyle.

Include Story Books in Routine 

Every kid loves to read and listen to stories. The best thing you can do is make them habitual of reading by giving them amazing story books. Books help kids learn things quickly, and the lessons stay with them for life. Also, screen time would be cut off, and they would enjoy reading books. 

Children book author – Nicola Dewhurst has an amazing range of story books for kids that give them a fun-filled story with motivating lessons. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do you balance screen time in children’s routines? 

Here are a few steps that will help you balance screen time in your kid’s routine. 

  • Make technology-free spaces in your house.
  • Be a role model.
  • Avoid screens in the bedtime hours. 
  • Give them rewards for using fewer screens. 
  • Spend quality time together. 

How many hours of screen time is healthy for children? 

There are different recommendations for different ages. 

  • There should be no screen time for kids below the age of 2. 
  • Kids between the ages of 2 and 5 can use the screen for 1 hour with a sibling or parent. 
  • Children between 7 and 15 can use the screen for 2 hours, including for educational purposes. 

What are the impacts of screen time on health? 

According to authentic research, excessive screen time impacts mental health, minimises physical activities and poor sleep patterns, and can minimise nutrition. They can also affect cognitive function. 

Summing Up 

So, finding a healthy balance for your child’s screen is an equal effort between you and your kid. Setting clear limits, promoting physical activities, prioritising educational content, and having face-to-face interaction can ensure that screens improve your child’s growth instead of just hindering it. 

Keep in mind that communication, consistency, and leading by example are key to successfully directing screen time in the digital era we are living in. Assist your kid in balancing screen time and learning with other crucial activities. Providing other ways to grow and learn that don’t depend on the technology, like reading books and playing board games with family. Every healthy relationship in life starts with moderation, and screen time is no special case. 

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